Process Discovery

Introducing Namuda Process Discovery Canvas™

Tailormade for data-driven operational improvement
Discover inefficiencies and improve core business processes. Namuda Process Discovery Canvas collect timestamped event logdata from key transactional systems and uses that data to create realtime visibility into execution of business processes
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Business process improvement starts here!

Process discovery canvas
Lead time analysis
Find the bottlenecks that has most impact on process lead time
Industrial AI capabilities
Prepared for advanced AI exploration such as GenAI, ML (Clustering / Classification)
Conformance Checking
Measure and monitor how processes runs compared to happy path
Personalized canvas
Create analysis based on your focus and save your own version of the canvas
Event data explorer
The event data explorer make it easy to decide what to include or exclude in your models
Data Quality
Get notified in case of missing data, anomalies or data errors

Begin your Process Discovery today!

Schedule a Demo to see how it works
Process discovery canvas

A tool designed to provide transparency in business processes through systematic exploration and data-driven analysis. It enables us to identify blockers and bottlenecks in our value chain and eases our work in optimizing our business processes

Tuan Viet Vo
Head of core business operations, Glamox Group
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